Post Consumer Plastic Packaging Waste.

a vision to make India Free from Garbage.

We Akshar Engineers are a Plastic Waste Management firm serving as Gujarat’s leading Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Agency acting upon as per Plastic Waste Management (PWM) Rules, 2016 amended in 2018. We are into public commissioning since 2013 encouraging sustainable end of life disposal of post-consumer plastic packaging waste resulting circular economy.
Akshar Engineers are involved in collection of plastic waste from various ~30 municipalities and bulk waste generators, later segregating it to obtain best from waste as a part of social responsibility from Gujarat. We also support producers, importer and brand owners (PIBOs) involved with single use plastics like Multi-Layered Plastic (MLP) and Non-MLP to complete their EPR (Extended Producer Responsibility) Activities under PWM Rule, 2016.
Join our team to reduce your carbon footprint acting on reducing harmful impacts of plastic waste on environment by ensuring fulfilling EPR activities through safe collection, processing and sustainable disposal to bring in compliance to PWM Rules, 2016. We ensure complete support towards success of Swachh Bharat Initiated by honourable Prime Minister of India.